Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How To Get Over An Ex?

Everyone has gotten their heartbroken at least once in there life. Many people are going through it right now. Getting your heart broken is one of the worst experiences ever. You feel depressed, stressed, like the world is against you. You feel angry like you weren't good enough, like you will never find anyone better. Broken hearts take awhile to heal but here are some things that will help you get over your ex, move on, or make them come crawling back to you. 

-Go out with your friends, PARTY, have fun. I garuntee you that will get your mind off your ex for awhile. It might not for long but it should help your deperession a bit.
-DON'T lay up in the house all day. That usually depresses you out more, which is not healthy. Get up and be productive with yourself. 
-Don't listen to love songs or any type of subliminal songs that will remind you of him/her. Don't watch romantic movies because your first thought will be " aw I wish our relationship could of been like that" DON'T DO IT! 
-If you don't have a job, get one. Usually when your ex sees you doing good and see how independent you are they come back in a heartbeat. Guys love independent girls. Also when your working that's takes your mind off of you ex to.
-Don't text, call, write about them on twitter, just don't let them think your thinking about them. That will make him/her wonder, which will make them hit you up just to see how your doing. Watch how fast it works.Always remember once you stop noticing someone that's when they start noticing you! 
-Taking pictures with other guys/girls. Let them see your moving on. That will completely shock them. 
-Talk to other guys/girls getting under someone else will make you get off your ex trust me.
-Delete pictures, contact, memories of them. Helps you get your mind off of him/her.
-Take sexy pics, once they see that I can almost bet you they're gonna miss you,notice you, and want you back. 

So there's some tips I know getting over an ex is tough and painful but it will be okay give it time and I promise your gonna be happy all over again. You can't be heartbroken forever. Be Smart! Don't let your ex see you hurt or at your worse show that idiot that your doing better with him/her. Watch how fast he/she comes back

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